
I’m so happy you are here! Grab a comfy chair and follow me through a journey of tragedy, transition, and transformation.

Going through the events of my son’s traumatic near death experience in which he was diagnosed with brain cancer, I now have first-hand knowledge of what it’s like to feel completely alone and helpless in a seemingly hopeless situation. Gathering up what little strength I had, coupled with my lifetime relationship with God, I managed to forge my way through the challenges while learning how to navigate through and improve the process of my son’s medical care and rehabilitation. Most importantly, through all of this, I was able to witness God’s healing power and reaffirm that He is the foundation of the strength that helped me overcome all the obstacles in our path. This is our story.

I am a mother of three adult children, and I have an amazing grandson. I am an Air Force Veteran, caregiver, full-time graduate student, and advocate. I grew up in southern California and now live in New England.

In 2013, my oldest son was diagnosed with brain cancer-medulloblastoma. Living through that experience is the catalyst for this website, my upcoming book, and future blog. Everything I experienced led me back to school to finish my associate degree and further my education.

In May 2016, I graduated with my associate degree in Business Administration and certificate in Human Services from Holyoke Community College. In 2018, I graduated from Bay Path University American Women’s College with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, a 4.0 GPA, and received one of the college’s most prestigious awards, the Pathfinder Award.

In 2018, I received a Patriot Scholarship to Colorado Technical University (online) which paid 100% of my graduate program. I graduated in August of 2021 with an MBA in Business Administration with a concentration in Project Management.

Experience alone was not enough to further my advocacy. The education I now have has helped give credibility to my voice. In 2015, I became a Legislative Ambassador for the American Cancer Society and in 2017, I became a Hidden Hero and an Elizabeth Dole Caregiver Fellow for Massachusetts.

Click here to read my story at Hidden Heroes!

Now it’s time to go to OUR JOURNEY and find out about HE LIVED!

Continue to Our Journey>